Customer Pictures and Comments
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OB / W4HXJ 4el Cubex Quad Al / NN4ZZ 3el Cubex Quad
Tom / W1QU 3el Cubex Quad
4 element Cubex Quad
Heights 72 foot tower
Here is is the finished project -- its assembled and up 75 ft in the air.
Closeup with tower nested....
Spreaders lined up and ready for the assembly process....
Building each element on a temporay pole.
3 done and 1 to go......
( Al's note - OB did a great job assembling his 4el quad and took his time working out all of the details.
Here is a sketch he made showing the boom truss cables and element locations. )
Already worked several rare DX that I could not hear or
contact very well. Have discovered that the quad will pull 2 to 5 S units over
the long wire on a weak station that is just discernible in the static.
Your quad locks work very well.
73, OB / W4HXJ
3 el Cubex Quad
U. S. Towers MA-850
Building the elements....
Another view of the QuadLock while building the elements
3 elements mounted on the boom and "pan-caked" over. Ready to tilt the tower up.
Closeup, ready to go.
The 3 el Cubex quad works very well and performs as well as (or better) than the 4 el yagi it replaced.
73, Al / NN4ZZ
5 band 3el Cubex Quad
Tom provided a nice set of pictures documenting his installation of the 5 band 3 element Cubex Quad, There are two options for building the elements:
1 - You can build each each element on a Quadlock on a stand or on the ground and then install each element on the boom.
2 - You can install the QuadLocks on the boom and build the elements right on the boom.
Tom chose the second option. Here are his comments and pictures below.
The Quadlocks made the job much easier, and provided needed strength to the quad and greatly improved its survivability over time, in my view; your product is first rate.
***** First step is mounting the 18' boom on the tower. *****
***** Next the QuadLocks are installed on the boom *****
***** Installation of the director and driven element wire. *****
***** Different photo angle of director and driven element wire installation *****
***** Installation of the reflector element and wire *****
***** Dressing-up of cables prior to raising tower *****
***** Completed installation with tower raised - Close-ups of completed installation *****
***** Completed project....ready to work some DX *****
Many thanks for all of your help and thoughts along the way, and for producing a truly superior product.
BTW, the new quad works great on all five
Best 73,
**** Update 4-Apr-2018 ****
We have had it up now for almost 4 years and have had no problems or issues with the Quad locks or stability or related issues. This is in spite of the numerous storms that we have had with lots of snow, ice and winds reaching 75 mph on occasion. I have always looked at the Quad Locks as the anchor of our quad; they provide the strength and agility to hold the fiber glass arms and wire togethe, greatly increasing the survivability of the quad and tower in inclement weather. Moreover, having the ability to lower the quad to the ground makes for much easier maintenance and repairs
Two years ago, I decided that at the age of 79, I could not continue to manually elevate and fold-over the quad. So, I added two heavy duty winches which are used to raise, lower and fold over the tower and antenna. They have worked flawlessly for the past two years and I’ve had no problems whatsoever with them.
The quad has been up now for almost 4 years and has worked to perfection; here is a picture of it at full height, with the boom 65’ above the tower base. I do have guys for added stability and have added some additional bracing to the tower base (which can be seen in the photo of the winches), and this along with the Quad Locks has given the quad and tower much more stability and survivability in the storm prone area that I live in, here on the coast of Downeast Maine
Your Pictures here.....
Your pictures could help
someone that has a similiar antenna or tower setup.